Peter Esho Podcast

Ending 2022 on a good note



There’s a lot of good news for investors, if you manage to look clearly. We’ve come out of the pandemic in a heightened state of fear. Many of us are constantly looking over our shoulder for the next bad news story to emerge. This is understandable and totally normal, the pandemic was a life changing period for many of us. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle I’ve written about when and how to panic as an investor previously (If you must panic, panic early) There’s an art to it. Most are only now starting to worry about inflation, when the time to panic was when rates were at zero and inflation was non-existent. While it’s good to be paranoid as an investor, and always look out for fear, the problem with this approach is you can miss the good news right in front of you. There’s a lot of good news going into 2023 — the jobs market across developed economies is extremely strong, central banks are on the ball when it comes to inflation and China is starting to open up