Betch Slapped

#114 Is Amanda Bynes Back?



Sami and Jordana are back after a long Thanksgiving week. The open the show by talking about the resurgence of Amanda Bynes who is did an interview with Paper Magazine in which she seems lucid. Sami thinks that in hindsight the internet mob was way too harsh on Amanda and is hoping for the best for her. At 7:45 they talk about Kim Kardashian’s admission that she was high on ecstasy when she got married the first time and made her sex tape. At 10:20 they address the rumor that Colton, the new Bachelor, is actually gay and will come out of the closet at the new season’s end. At 14:15 a listener writes in asking what to do if a friend doesn’t accept her apology. At 19:45 a listener writes in wondering how soon is appropriate to take time off when working a new job. At 27:50 they play games including: “shoot, fu*k, marry- Kanye West, Prince Charles, Arie from the Bachelor.” and “would you rather spend the entire month of December drunk, or the entire month sober?”     Thanks to our sponsors! Living Proof- Make th