Arden First Baptist Church

The Best Christmas Ever, Part 2: The Wise Men's Journey - Audio



The Greatest Christmas Ever Part 2- The Wise Men's Journey Question to Ponder-Are you still seeking after Jesus daily? The Wise Men’s Journey. Seeking to forever be a seeker: A true seeker of Jesus… 1. Travels long distances to worship the true King (v. 1-2). 2. Doesn’t get hindered by the hypocrites along the way (v. 3-8). 3. Follows the light that leads towards the True Light (v. 9-10). 4. Worships Jesus by laying down their earthly treasures because they’ve found the greatest Treasure (v. 11). 5. Listens to God and obeys the promptings of the Holy Spirit (v. 12). Take Home Truth: A true seeker is willing to go the distance to discover and delight in Jesus as the true King. Action Steps: * Worship: Make worship a priority in your life. When you make Jesus the center of your life, worship becomes a priority. * Giving: The wise men gave their best gifts to Jesus for His birthday. Decide to give more of yourself to Jesus this year than ever before! * Seeking: Never