Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Christmas is Hope [Isaiah 59] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio



In the darkness of Israel’s experience, Isaiah showcases the brilliance of hope. It helps illustrate the truth that hard and dark times reveal that our hope is often misplaced. If God still hears and still saves, why did Israel (and us) feel like He is so far away? Sin. God isn’t distant, but our sin makes it seem that way. We can't find hope by getting a new job or finding a new relationship or relocating - something needs to be fixed inside of us, not outside of us. When, by God’s grace, I see that I don’t have the power or ability to fix my situation, hopelessness actually becomes the pathway to real hope. When we abandon hope in all horizontal things, then true hope is born. In fact, the Christmas story is about hope coming to those who desperately need it. God saw that there wasn't anyone who could do what needed to be done, so He took action - He sent a Redeemer who would come to all those who turn from transgression (repent). This is how sinners are reconciled (redeemed