Underground Usa

The Democrats' Bad Trades & Expulsion



Before I get into how the DNC tossed two-time loser Stacey Abrams under the bus, this week, I need to address the horrific prisoner swap executed by the Biden administration.I've been writing and speaking a lot lately about culture and the culture wars in the United States and that's because our politics; our government stems from our culture. What our culture mandates is what we get. That's why the saying goes, “You get the government that you vote for.”Our government has exhibited an incredible contempt for Americanism in how they went about the release of Brittney Griner. They could have negotiated the release of Paul Whelan, who is incarcerated in Russia on espionage charges but who maintains his innocence.Griner knowingly went to Russia with things she knew she shouldn't have brought, admitted she was guilty, and was sentenced to prison. So, why does Griner's release mean more than securing the release of an ex-Marine who is charged with espionage but who maintains his innocence?It's because of the demog