Underground Usa

When Politics Masquerades As Government



With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda.Hundreds of economists signed a letter to members of the Senate, pointing out that the measures they are voting on will hurt the economy and, therefore, hurt the American people.But the "nudge-science" that the radical Left employs in kneeling at the altars of power sees them ignoring the American people to serve their globalist masters...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2022/08/01/inflation_reduction_act_wont_fix_inflation_will_hurt_the_economy_845351.htmlSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Statesht