Underground Usa

When Does Ideological Activism Cost Too Much?



In the aftermath of reports that an illegal alien has been arrested for repeatedly raping a 10-year-old girl in Ohio - and that abortion activists engaged in unspeakable actions to advance their radical ideology, we must ask ourselves what kind of society we are when a raped child is offered up to the altar of activism.Then, as we move on in this segment of Talkback with Chuck Wilder, we address the additional issues of the economy, Biden's failed trip to the Middle East, and the failures on Uvalde...RELATED LINK(S):https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vQk1EQzM1Njc5MTAzODg/episode/ODMxZTA2NGUtMDM5MC0xMWVkLWEyZWItOTdmOGYyNDcxMGRjSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get f