Underground Usa

Whether At Home Or Abroad It's All About The Guns



The epidemic of mass shootings in the United States recently says less about the lawful availability of guns and ammunition and more about our societal failure. From our governments' failure to address mental health issues that lead to things like Buffalo to the gang-produced carnage that takes place on a daily basis in our major urban areas, we have become a society that "disvalues" life, and when life is cheap...Matt Bruce and I talk about this and more in this morning's twice segment on the most popular overnight show in the nation, The Captain's America: Third Watch, broadcast on the Salem and Genesis Networks...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2RELATED ARTICLE(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/the-biden-administrations-pathetic Get full access to Und