Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #276- AER and violence!



In our Q&A #276, Pastors Doug, Blake and Kyle discuss the following:Hi there, it seems like the transgender question from a while back has morphed into something larger and broader with questions and comments that you say your team is filtering and deciding what should and what shouldn't make it on to the podcast. Rather than doing that, which could be seen as censorship, why not schedule and host a "Town Hall" meeting or series of meetings where anyone who wants to talk about this hot topic can come out and share their thoughts? No censorship, no agenda, just moderated conversation based on mutual respect, love and a desire to learn about each other and from each other and GROW regardless of "LEFT" or "RIGHT" happy horse s@#t...human beings...being and meeting the middle or at least trying! Imagine the what if's that could come from an event(s) like this. Nobody hiding behind the anonymity of a Q&A wall, an example for others to see what can happen when God's people come together as strands of a rope...just