Sales Reinvented

Why Sales Leaders Need an “I Am Human” Story per Rob Stenberg, Ep #329



Rob Stenberg likes to say, “The shortest distance between two people is a story.” And if you’re looking to make an emotional connection, being able to tell a succinct story is a critical sales skill. Some people are more intuitive storytellers. But just like any other skill, you can learn how to tell stories. It takes time and practice and training to gain mastery. Rob shares some of his strategies to craft compelling stories in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:57] Why storytelling is an important skill to have [1:30] Can you learn how to be a great storyteller? [2:05] The ingredients of a great story that sells [3:10] The attributes of a great storyteller [3:56] Resources to improve storytelling abilities  [4:56] Rob’s top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [6:57] How to shorten a story to 60–90 seconds  [8:06] Why sales leaders need an “I am human” story The ingredients of a great story that sells Rob notes that you need to set the stage where you introduce the hero of the story. Th