Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Unraveling The Root Causes of Your Autoimmune Disease



In my healing journey, I’ve discovered that it wasn’t just one thing that got me to my diagnosis, and it’s not one thing that will get me out. If your previous attempts at healing have only partially succeeded, or worse, failed, this week’s guest, Jessica Jimison, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of Origins Collaborative Care PLLC, shares with us some reasons why. In our time together, which isn’t nearly enough, we talk about:• Could your body’s neural pathways to calmness, safety, and connection be dysregulated? • Are your Mast Cells reeling from unknown stressors part of the problem? • Tips for rewiring your nervous system and ways to keep the autonomic_nervous_system calm(er,)• How to make peace with your body in its current state and ways to improve, and so much more...More About Our Guest: Jessica Jimison, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of Origins Collaborative Care PLLC, loves the blending of science and education that is being a nurse practitioner, working wi