Love Based Leadership With Dan Pontefract

Eric Termuende And Why The Great Resignation Is A Terrible Term



Eric Termuende is a best-selling author who has given over 400 keynote presentations to industry-leading businesses and associations all over the world. He inspires business leaders to prepare for the future of work and make the one-degree shifts that build trust, belonging, and engagement at work. In this episode of Leadership NOW with Dan Pontefract, Eric and Dan get into the realities of the 'future of work.' A life-long entrepreneur, Eric has surveyed and interviewed thousands of employees and leaders in his efforts to put numbers behind the employee experience and understand what separates great teams and leaders from the pack. He brings a fresh perspective to workplace culture and what it takes to build incredible teams. He is the author of the best-selling book "Rethink Work" and is a brilliant commentator on all aspects of The Future of Work, leadership, and workplace culture.