Living Springs Q&a

Q&A RE-RELEASE : Episode #225 Adam and Eve, Christmas Traditions, Leaving the church, and more!



In our Re- release of episode Q&A #225 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:Pastors discuss the following questions from our backlog.1. Were there human beings before Adam and Eve were created? When Cain was driven away by God into banishment because he murdered Abel, it says in Genesis that he took a wife and had children and then succeeding generations. Thank you2. Should Christians participate in the classic Christmas traditions (decorating a Christmas tree, putting up lights, trading gifts) or is there reason to give them up to focus better on celebrating Christ? Would we be better off to adopt more Jewish traditions around this time (e.g. Hanukkah) that would allow us to connect more directly to traditions that are relevant to first century Christians?3. I’ve been going to this church for 14 years and I’ve witnessed several times when it felt like a large part of the congregation left. This last year it feels there has been a lot of offence taken and hurt feelings and families leaving for