Underground Usa

The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class



Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge referrals -  that were issued from the so-called January 6th committee to the Department of Justice regarding Donald Trump.We have to look at this in the beginning - and primarily - for the fact that this entire committee is a partisan hit job. If it weren't partisan it would have had the minority party’s preferred representation instead of Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, two people who do not represent the mainstream of the Republican caucus in the House. Or it would have been referred to an independent committee that was established using both the majority in the minority leaders to establish who was supposed to be in this independent of the House committee.So, right off the bat, this January 6th committee is illegitimate because of how it was constructed and with whom. That brings up an e