Dutch Brothers Muse



A couple of reformed brothers unwind and converse on a variety of topics spanning from theology to music.


  • 14 Point 1


    Part 1 of 2 – Oh how it’s been so long. I guess we are quarantined so this happened naturally. We visit a few saucy Coronavirus takes from Twitter, hear about Luke’s time at Oxford, and dive into some of the material he studied abroad. Be on the look out for part 2!

  • Someday the 13th


    Tbh we pretty much just talked about Kanye & things surrounded the weekend of his album release ‘Jesus Is King.’ Other topics included Johnny Mac & his remarks against Beth More. ALSO – Happy Reformation Week.

  • A Strange Retroactive 11


    First podcast remotely recorded! Talks on Benny Hinn & the prosperity Gospel, Nietzsche, Old Testament teaching methods, searching for a church in a new location

  • One & Two – Abroad


    Recorded while at an Air BnB in Munich, Germany. We are jet lagged, I apologize. Talks about the little bit of European culture we experienced, then it pretty much goes off the rails from there. — tbh you can pry skip this ep.

  • T(e)n(p)


    We open up with some chats on rapture theology. We are joined by the Dutch sister, Allison Mooibroek, as we venture into the intersection of psychology and our faith. (Also Ryan, Luke hates you)

  • Ep: Nein


    Josh drops some big news on this ep! Dutch Bros also converse about Disney stars/Gossip Girl, Limited Atonement (s/o TULIP fam), Josh shares some things from a book on Marriage by Timmy K.

  • The Octa-Ep


    I’m running out of title ideas… Topics within this ep: Preacher’s Sneakers, anxiety in Christian culture, Introverts in mega churches, infant baptism, & we love R.C. Sproul

  • Session 7


    So it’s basically a long discussion of modern worship v. traditional worship?

  • Episode VI


    If you don’t like these topics, blame yourself because you requested them. Bernie Sanders, Predestination, Private Colleges, Scientology, Toxic Masculinity, and other rants.

  • 5th time


    Back @ it. Christian dating culture, reformed or a club?, Timmy K in the NYT, why do we take modern art seriously, and we develop a marketing strategy for the podcast.