The In-between

Prueba ahora Firma sin compromiso. Cancele cuando quiera.


For fans of Enchanted Air by Margarita Engle and Life in Motion by Misty Copeland, this middle grade memoir in verse chronicles a young girl and her family who must start over after losing their home.

In the early 2000s, thirteen-year-old Katie Van Heidrich has moved more times that she can count, for as long as she can remember. There were the slow moves where you see the whole thing coming. There were the fast ones where you grab what you can in seconds. When Katie and her family come back from an out-of-town funeral, they discover their landlord has unceremoniously evicted them, forcing them to pack lightly and move quickly.

They make their way to an Extended Stay America Motel, with Katie’s mother promising it’s temporary. Within the four walls of their new home, Katie and her siblings, Josh and Haley, try to live a normal life—all while wondering if things would be easier living with their father. Lyrical and forthcoming, Katie navigates the complexities that come with living in-between: in between homes, parents, and childhood and young adulthood, all while remaining hopeful for the future.


  • 001 TheInBetween Open

    Duración: 11s
  • 002 TheInBetween Dedication

    Duración: 19s
  • 003 TheInBetween Things Fall Apart

    Duración: 35s
  • 004 TheInBetween I Dont Need a Cosigner

    Duración: 02min
  • 005 TheInBetween Broken Promises

    Duración: 01min
  • 006 TheInBetween Volcanoes

    Duración: 02min
  • 007 TheInBetween Fish Guts and Glass

    Duración: 05min
  • 008 TheInBetween Its Morning Time

    Duración: 38s
  • 009 TheInBetween Where Are We Going

    Duración: 04min
  • 010 TheInBetween You Only Have Room for One

    Duración: 04min
  • 011 TheInBetween Roses And Thorns

    Duración: 01min
  • 012 TheInBetween Its Mourning Time

    Duración: 15s
  • 013 TheInBetween No Space For Us Now

    Duración: 02min
  • 014 TheInBetween Who Even Knows

    Duración: 01min
  • 015 TheInBetween Family Friends

    Duración: 01min
  • 016 TheInBetween Starless Nights

    Duración: 31s
  • 017 TheInBetween My Notebook

    Duración: 01min
  • 018 TheInBetween Hello Disaster

    Duración: 04min
  • 019 TheInBetween This Is It

    Duración: 04min
  • 020 TheInBetween This Is It

    Duración: 02min
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