Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 252:02:07
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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 145: Feminine Wisdom for Navigating the Year Ahead with Grace & Gumption

    16/01/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the crescent moon, a moon about accessing deeper our deeper intuitive knowing from a place of stillness. It's also the "wolf moon" - the wolf being a symbol of free untamed feminine power, the teacher who guides through action, and the need for our packs and time to play. I’ve been thinking of you all for two weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode. This year I added... with Grace & Gumption (because we will need both!) After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead,  - 2021, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’

  • 144: A Different Way to Start Your Year & Set Your Goals

    04/01/2021 Duración: 58min

    There are big misunderstandings in our culture about visioning, goal setting & achieving that stem from a "go, go , go, work hard, stay busy" mindset that many of us have been trained to operate from.... which honestly set us up for more pressure, overwhelm and self-criticism vs. true, sustainable success. Even in teachings you hear about manifestation, the law of attraction and vision board - there's significant distortions that can lead you to creating realities, careers, businesses, lifestyles that are unsustainable... keeping you working hard & so busy, but not feeling sustained or successful. There is a different way to dream + succeed. That's what we'll explore & share together in the next three episodes, focused on supporting you to see the unsupportive ways you've been taught to approach goal setting and the start of the year... and reveal some other ways to think about and approach this year, so you really do FEEL successful and sustained at the end of the year. In this first of the thr

  • POWER PAUSE: 3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear

    13/12/2020 Duración: 42min

    Would you like to start the new year feeling clear - mentally & emotionally? Like your physical space to feel clear and coherent? Like to be free of some of the relationship drama or distress in your personal or professional relationships? And how would it feel to have more space in the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next year?  Of course our answers to this are YES! Starting the new year clear is not just a nice to have - it's what any wise person would do. But how do you 'do' that?  You put into place simple but mighty practices that empower to you make choices that lead to you working and living and feeling in the f.l.o.w. (Focusing Lifeforce On What matters. The practice we'll dive into today is called a Power Pause and uses the wisdom tool of 'intuitive thinking inquiries' that reveal insights you miss if you only operate from your mental mind.   In this episode of Feminine Power Time: a Power Pause:  3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear, I will share the FL

  • 142: Feminine Wisdom for Completing An Intense and Wild Year

    05/12/2020 Duración: 50min

    Wisdom teaches us that how you end a year influences how you start the next. Which is why every year at this time, I pause to tap into feminine wisdom to ask what do we need to see, what do we need to hear, and what do we need to consider as we walk through these weeks ahead. So that you and I can complete this year in a way that enables and empowers us to be as replenished, radiant, rested, centered and clear as possible.  Not to hit the ground running in Jan, but to be wise and centered enough to allow ourselves the space we will still need and desire.  Even if you feel like you have had plenty of 'space' this year, there is wisdom to share. Join me for this episode of Feminine Power Time: Feminine Wisdom for Completing an Intense and Wild Year where I invited the wisdom for what we needed to hear to flow through. In addition to the wisdom that flowed, I'll share: A simple year end Harmonizing Practice I do every year that helps me make sustaining vs. sabotaging choices Another practice for getting clear

  • 141: Grief, Grumpy & Gratitude: How to Be With All 3 to Tap Into Deeper Wisdom & Personal Freedom

    27/11/2020 Duración: 46min

    It is human nature to have grief - when we lose things, things change, or we look around at the state of our lives and world and don't know what to do. It's also natural to feel grumpy and frustrated about things not working out the way we want, to have anger. What's not natural - or healthy, healing or empowering - is how we have been taught as human to be with and release the grief or grumpiness.  I believe we NEED to re-learn how to be with these very natural feelings, in our personal lives and relationships and in our collective society, it's part of the key to our own personal wholeness and wellbeing AND to us healing the collective societal separations. But how do you do that? Well, join me, Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time: Grief, Grumpy and Gratitude: How to be with all 3 to tap into deeper wisdom and personal freedom. Where I will walk us through a process that helps you tap into each of these 3 feelings that your human heart and human body is no doubt feeling. Wisdom: Only once we can a

  • WISE WOMAN TEA: Perspective for Thriving in Intense Times with Astrologer Leslie McGuirk

    20/11/2020 Duración: 56min

    Welcome to our first Wise Woman Tea episode, where I invite you into a conversation with one of my dear wise woman soul sisters - women who have attained a level of adeptness in a specific area that I believe can support each of us to tap into our own intuitive knowing, co-creative power, and higher intelligence. Often these areas are poo-poo'd or woo' woo'd away - discounting their significance to the 'real world' or to our practical needs or to what is relevant to topics like business, leadership and activism.  When the truth is, these wise woman skills, arts, knowings and practices empower us to see and find what's real beyond the screen the mainstream overculture would like us to tune into.  In my experience, the distrust or skepticism we have, or the lack of focus we put in these areas, is part of where we leak and diminish our power.  When we embrace these wisdom teachings, skills, practices and arts and explore them with curiosity, we often are invited into a wealth of wisdom and new possibility we wer

  • 139: Making Choices That Are Right for You Now: #3 of 3 in Embracing Our Power Series

    13/11/2020 Duración: 43min

    The choices we make in our every day for how we direct and give our energy, our resources, our time and money all add up to having a significant impact on you ... but most of us don't really see how these simple decisions are the drivers underneath us feeling stretched too thin, or not being focused on what matters, or just getting swirled up in the world. Which is why we are doing this podcast series! So your can be more aware of what's going on within you and with your choices ... so you can be empowered to make choices that are creating the reality you desire for yourself, those you love and lead and this world.  Join me for #3 of 3 in our series called Embracing Our Power. This episode of Feminine Power Time focused on "Making Choices that are Right for you Now". I'll pull back the veil on how this is showing up in my life now, to hopefully help you see what is in alignment and not in alignment for you right now. Then we'll look at how you might be feeling and filling a need out there in your work or rel

  • 138: Embracing Our Power: Wielding Your Super Power of Crazy Wisdom (#2of 3)

    30/10/2020 Duración: 46min

    Within you is the courage and the clarity to make choices that are right for you - that cut through the chaos - that come from the deep feminine wisdom within you willing to shake up the status quo to stay true to yourself ... choices that may seem crazy to others but that will keep YOU sustained, on your path, supported with what you need.  I call this the Feminine Super Power of Crazy Wisdom. And every year at this time, I bring it back up for us to work with. Because as it turns out Crazy Wisdom is Crazy Powerful. It gives you the courage and clarity to make different choices, that may defy logic. It's not reckless, it is rooted in the deep intuitive place within you that knows what is right, real and aligned for you. And now more than ever we need this super power.  I'll share the full definition of Crazy Wisdom in this episode of Feminine Power Time #2 of 3 in our Embracing Our Power series...  And I'll share more about how your intellect and intuition work together to access your deeper wisdom... ho

  • 137: Embracing Our Power Taking a Stand to Say NO MORE (#1 of 3)

    24/10/2020 Duración: 46min

    We have become so resilient that we have become too tolerant. We have said yes to keep doing more with less. Piling more on to already too full plates. Assimilating into ways of working and managing our lives that frankly haven't been working for a long time. Now is the time, to give voice to what is no longer sustainable for you... in your work, in your relationships, in your life design, in your health and wealth. And then look around, and realize this : It's not your fault. You are not alone. And together, we do have the power to change this. There are MANY many women and beings who feel the same way - overwhelmed, overworked and over it. Tired of over stretching themselves to make it work, make ends meet, get things done.  We've been talking about this for years at Feminine Power Time. And we are at the breakthrough or breakdown point ... which will you choose? I invite you in to this three part series of Feminine Power Time : Embracing Our Power... where we will tap into the wisdom in the new Overwhelmed

  • 136: Breathe. 4 of My Most Simple But Significant Practices to Release Pressure & Create Space

    17/10/2020 Duración: 43min

    hello dear ones! exhale. really. we can't hold our breath waiting for things to get better. we can't just keep pushing through at this pace of intensity. and we frankly don't have to. there is a way to meet the intensity, be with all the demands coming at you, and with the things that matter to you... but it requires that you need to BREATHE. daily. weekly. monthly and yearly. In and tune into this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo -  we will dive into 4 of the simple but significant practices I do in my daily rhythm, my weekly flow and my yearly flow to release pressure and create space so i can breathe - and get what matters done - even in intense times.  I know they work because I've been using them diligently to get this new book into the world. Tune in. xo Christine  p.s. If you haven't gotten your copy of the new book Overwhelmed and Over It - do! Here's the link www.overwhelmedandoverit.com  pps. If you missed the powerful book unveiling and activation session, you can access it here www.over

  • 135 Release Yourself from the Unrealistic Expectations Stressing You Out (#3 of 3 in Lighten Your Load Series)

    03/10/2020 Duración: 46min

    Did you ever consider there are ways that you are putting pressure on yourself which are stressing you out that you actually have the power to change? And as a result free yourself from some of the stress, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, overworking, etc. that you might be feeling?  There's plenty of stressors out there in the world that you can't change. And there are many ways you can create some space and ease for yourself, if you can reveal the 'self induced' pressure that most of us are blind to.  Which is why for our #3 of 3 Feminine Power Time episode in the Lighten Your Load series: "Release Yourself from the Unrealistic Expectations Stressing You Out" we will dive into 3 areas where we most often create toxic, unnecessary pressure which we have the power to release.  The world has changed. Our worlds have changed. Which we need to change our expectations for how we work, how much we can get done, and what we need to be supported and sustained.  Instead of just doing the same or more with less,

  • POWER PAUSE: Reflect, Rebalance and Reset Your Focus at Equinox... and exhale!

    25/09/2020 Duración: 26min

    It's time to activate and utilize one of the most powerful tools we have to stay centered, sustained and focused on what matters - the Power Pause. This one, gets us focused the last  3 months / 4 moon cycles of the year.   There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns ? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?   Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters. The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes t

  • 134: Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown - #2 of 3 in Lighten Your Load Series

    11/09/2020 Duración: 46min

    Being able to stay centered within uncertainty in normal times is challenging, but pile on all of the intensity happening right now that is igniting fear and chaos within and around us, and even the  most seasoned yogini would fret, freeze, flail or fragment. Turn off the chatter outside and inside, and come to this session of Feminine Power Time, to exhale, BREATHE, and tune into a deeper wisdom, thought shifting perspectives and practical practices to put into place to meet the uncertainty and step powerfully into the unknown. In part 2 of our Lighten Your Load Series "Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown" we will dive into: Getting clear on how much training you've actually had for dealing with the current levels of uncertainty  How we strengthen our 'super power for being with and stepping into the unknown" - like re-imprinting Basic Trust, re-leasing Primal Fear, and Seeing Different Levels of Reality  (yes, we are going to put our wise woman / being glasses on) How to create structure within the

  • 133: Lighten Your Load: Being With What Is Without Getting Overwhelmed (#1 of 3)

    29/08/2020 Duración: 43min

    The amplified energy, chaos, fear and angst in what is called the "collective field" affects each one of us, and in today's intense times is short circuiting us, and stirring up anxiety, anger and ache within us that 1. Isn't serving us 2. Doesn't help anyone 3. Will make us mentally foggy and physically and emotionally unwell and 4. Keeps us in reactivity mode vs. in response mode, where our power is. We just don't SEE the negative affects of the collective field until it's gotten to be TOO MUCH, and we are in overwhelm or worse, reacting from anger, anxiety and grief.  So, what do we do? We get wise. We get aware - of both the field (what it is) and our own internal triggers and warning signals of when we are being affected.  We put practices into place proactively to strenghten our magnetic field. To release the anger, anxiety and grief. To reset our systems.  And we embrace that while we do need to be AWARE of what is happening, ACKNOWLEDGE what is not okay with us, we cannot take it all on.  I am creatin

  • Fierce Grace Talk #1: Sharing Your Words & Writing with the World with Kristine Carlson

    14/08/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Fierce Grace. If you asked me to describe embodied Feminine Power in two words i would say "Fierce Grace." When we are truly rooted in our unique expression of fierce grace we have access to  our full power, presence, purpose and wisdom. Which is why I'm finally, after two years of dreaming about it, starting this series of Fierce Grace Talks now for us. These will take place throughout the year, inviting you into a conversation with me and a being who I have witnessed embodying fierce grace in the devotion to their sacred work and in the presence publicly and privately.    Since we just literally sent my fourth book off to the printer this week, I was inspired for us to dive into how we can share our words and writing with the world. Whether you are a writer, or want to be, or you want to write a book, or a blog, or just show up more powerfully in your authentic presence in your communications -- or just start writing for JOIY because you have something to say or you just want to! COME to this conversation. 

  • 132 LOVE: The Power of Sisterhood to Create the World and Life You Desire (#3 0f 3)

    01/08/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    If you were to ask me what is one of things that has been the most supportive to helping me bring my sacred work into form, grow in my career and stay true to my path, make bold changes in my life, move past my own doubt and fear to find clarity and courage I would tell you - Sisterhood. Not networking. Not professional trainings where everyone shows up and pretends they have it all together. Not the number of followers on my social media. Sisterhood that is rooted in straight up love.  Now before you go getting images of some sappy hallmark card or some kumbaya circle of women holding hands, let me invite you into a conversation that I hope will open your eyes and heart to what sisterhood is and how it relates to the real, whole life  success we desire. Because if you and I are going to make it through this transformational time, we need to elevate our understanding and our tactics for how we go about creating the supportive sisterhoods I believe we need to show up for ourselves and what matters to us... to

  • 131:LOVE: Power of Sacred Relationship to Heal & Free Yourself and the World

    24/07/2020 Duración: 44min

    You know the saying that our relationships are some of our biggest teachers? Truth. And today, as we go through this major time of transformation and change, we can either embrace our relationships as ways to heal, so we can create realities based in wholeness instead of woundedness... or we can keep re-creating the same wounded patterns, acting them out over and over.  I vote for embracing our power, and taking a look at what is going on in our relationships right now. To shine the light on what is going on in your heart right now when it comes to your closest relationships - the ones you struggle with, the ones from the past that are still lingering on, the ones that bring you support and joy and want to grow and the ones that you desire to create that don't exist yet. If we want a world, a society, systems and ways of thinking, that are rooted in respect, love, kindness, compassion we have to look within and at our own relationships too.  All lasting systemic and social change must be rooted in personal tr

  • 130 LOVE: Power of Self-Love to Heal & Free Yourself and This World (#1 of 3)

    18/07/2020 Duración: 42min

    We talk a lot about the power of the mind, how thoughts create our realities, personally and collectively. And while that is true, here's the deeper truth: our heart is our true power center. It's the heart and it's wholeness or it's woundedness, coupled with the cellular imprints within our bodies that inform our thoughts, which drive our actions, which create the realties all around us.  Right now at this time on the planet, our hearts and our bodies are being triggered to react from the wound and deeply embedded imprints rooted in fear, shame, blame. Even for those who have been 'doing their inner work' for years, decades... even for people who are educated and trained in mental health, emotional wellness, and spiritual development... WE ARE ALL BEING TRIGGERED, or like i like to say, BEING INVITED TO HEAL our WOUNDED HEARTS SO WE CAN BE FREE TO LEAD AND LIVE FROM OUR WHOLE HEARTS, rooted in wholeness, wellness, aka LOVE.  Choosing to embrace and dive into your own healing is an act of sacred activism ...

  • POWER PAUSE: Mid Year Reflect & Redirect : 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters the Rest of the Year

    10/07/2020 Duración: 42min

    There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you??  Given the current level of intensity and uncertainty, how can you create stability and sustainability for yourself and those you love and lead financially, emotionally, mentally, physically?   How can you work with the transformational energy happening to create more of the reality you desire for yourself and this world?  These are some of what we will explore together in this power pause, so you can gain clarity and focus for the next part of this year. One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons.  This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a feminine wisdom way practic

  • 128: Sacred Transformation #3: Let's Talk About the Power of Fear and Love, and How to Work with Both Wisely

    28/06/2020 Duración: 50min

    We often hear things like choose love over fear. Or that love is the only thing that is real. Or that we have the power within us to transform fear into love. But what does that really mean? And how does that apply to the massive transformation we are in collectively and personally right now, in a way that is practical? Knowing how fear and love work within you, and how they can be used and show up within our collective social situations is essential at this time. Fear can be used to manipulate, trigger, create fields of more fear in ways we don't even see... unless we know what to look for. We can react to fear, vs. respond from love because of the primal imprints rooted in scarcity and fear that we don't even know are within us... unless we know what to look for.  Most of us didn't get a Fear and Love 101, 201, 301 class in school. And with the amount of fear that is being activated, we could all use an uplevel of our consciousness to see the fear being triggered within us, and the fear being used to contro

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