Welcome to The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast you'll find a mix of my #AskGaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from my DAILYVEE video series, interviews and fireside chats I've given, as well as new and current thoughts I record originally for this audio experience!
Top Line Revenue and Niche Advertising on Instagram!
03/02/2015 Duración: 20min#QOTD: Where Are You Consuming The AskGaryVee Show? iPhone? IPad? Tv? or Computer? Where? If you're looking to try and sell ads on your Instagram account, first up you need the followers - the scale - to support bringing in real money. You need to spend the next 6-12 months actively acquiring new users. Then the answer is YES. It's totally fine to be making an ad once every 7 Instagram videos (remember, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook). But you need to make the stuff entertaining. Think like 1950's advertorial-style commercial starring you using the product. Like when they used to bring dogs onto Jonny Carson to eat Alpo dog food. All of that is clearly coming back into vogue. Now here is what I would do if it were me: You need to basically google all of the news and media relating to your specific niche, and you need to reach out to every single person in the first 80 pages of results to let them know what you're doing and see if they can get you exposure. You need to absolutely be pounding all 879 influencers who
Breweries, Books, & Super Bowl Predictions
30/01/2015 Duración: 08min#QOTD: Rank these four platforms in order of YOUR preference: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram.Last night, I started using Twitter's new video reply feature. That platform is playing a lot more with video. When I first started putting out content in 2006, it was video because that felt most natural to me. The best way I could communicate. But it was hard for me to execute on it. In 2007 and 2009, I would carry a Flip Cam around with me and use that as my main medium. The fact that I can now do that straight through the Twitter app is awesome. So video does seem most natural to me. But I don't over think my content. Way too many people over think the stuff they are putting out there. We're living in a culture where kids are growing up scrutinizing every selfie they take. It takes them forty-seven minutes to post because they have to make sure the lighting is right. Then when it doesn't get enough likes in the first four minutes, they pull it down. I have the reverse of that rigor. I would take the mo
Yik Yak, DNA, & Dinner with Winston Churchill
28/01/2015 Duración: 17min#QOTD: Which historic figure would you like to have dinner with? ;)#TIMESTAMPS01:23 - In episode 63, you say you watch and can tell if people are hustling. How do you tell? Engagement, frequency, or gut? 07:00 - What are your thoughts on the marketing opportunities in the new app Yik Yak? 09:33 - We spend all of our time pouring our creativity into projects for our clients so that when it’s time to shift gears and focus on our brand, we’re fucking exhausted. How do you keep it burning for both? 11:55 - What have your children taught you about life and business?
Winter Storm Juno & Viral Marketing on No Budget
26/01/2015 Duración: 09min#QOTD: New York is about to get CRUSHED by a blizzard, so I want to hear about your favorite memory from a snow day. Social Media is the plumbing to the word of mouth in our society. If you make a great product and you can get people to taste it, both literally and metaphorically, then there's a tremendous opportunity for your name to spread on its own. There are tons of brands that don't spend on marketing and win simply by making a great product that people can't help but talk about. In this day and age, you may not have the budget to put towards marketing your product or service, but that shouldn't stop you. If you're putting out a strong product and service then your name may very well spread through the eyes and ears of those that are able to experience your offerings firsthand. Social Media has put us in a very interesting space. If you can leverage the social "influence" of one individual who's had a great experience with what your business offers, you can be well on your way to surpassing the attent
Franchising, Open Courses & Cash or Exposure
22/01/2015 Duración: 15min#QOTDPart 1: Give me your feedback, are you excited about instagram bringing a visual element to the show? Part 2: Are you going to submit a question via instagram? If you are building a consumer facing business, like a restaurant for example, then a franchise is a great thing to do. But, something to ask is—are you trying to franchise your name? A lot of people have tried to franchise me. Yeah. Me. As in Garyvee. I got so many pitches when “Crush It” came out in 2010. People wanted to build courses that they would teach, but it would syphon up to me. That was something I wasn't comfortable with because I don’t feel like it represented me. I wouldn't want to franchise that route.So if you're asking me about franchising yourself, I'm going to say no. Having other people represent "you", to scale your "brand" as a franchise, just doesn't make sense any more. With YouTube and all the other forms of social media available, you just don't need it. BUT let's say you're franchising your restaurant or retail business
Hiring Friends, Funerals, & The Reality Distortion Field
14/01/2015 Duración: 16min#QOTD: What is your favorite morning beverage? I think that "hustle" is something that you're born with. Let me explain.Work ethic is definitely a trait people are born with but ultimately I think that the hustle meter is fundamentally affected by who the work you're doing is for. Sure, if you work for yourself, it's really easy to give yourself that high grade hustle. However, if you work for someone else, I think your attitude and effort are solely based on how inspired you are and how protected you are by that leader. I truly believe that because I instill trust and protection (as well as some high standards) for those that work for me, they're able to go all-in and deliver and work as hard as they do due to the culture and the context that comes from within the workplace. At the ground level, everyone is motivated by their own selfishness and there's nothing wrong with that. But then there's a side of it where if the leader presents a workplace based on meritocracy they're going to do whatever they can to
Dress Codes, Meditation, & Horrible Wine
13/01/2015 Duración: 11min#STATEMENTOFTHEDAY: I want you guys to reach out to one person that you haven't spoken to in over a year. I'm serious. And for you over-achievers, try and think of somebody you haven't spoken to in more than 5 years and give them a call. I want you to comment and let me know who that person is and what happened when you hit them up. You'll thank me later :)The brilliance of this show (#humblebrag) is that when people look back and realize what I've done (and what I'm doing), they'll notice I'm creating the base, the foundation, for all the other pieces of content that I'm able to create. If you pay attention you'll realize that all the content we're putting out is (for the most part) based on the seed that is the #AskGaryVee show. Just take a look at the last 6-8 weeks and you'll see the substantial increase in output we've been able to tackle because we're taking advantage of what this show provides -- whether that's Medium posts, articles, animated GIFs, etc. In essence, the #AskGaryVee i
Motivating Employees & Marketing Automation
05/01/2015 Duración: 20min#QOTD: Can I get your wine business? YES? NO?#QOTD2: What are you looking forward to in 2015?The best way to push employees above their own means is to guilt them into it. Everybody is driven by things, so first and foremost, you need to use your ears and listen. You need to sit down with your employees and understand where they want to take their careers. What’s their ambition? By sitting down with people and actually listening, you’ll be able to set up your employees for success in order to achieve the beneficially mutual goals at hand. Don’t think for a second that money drives all motivation. It’s simply not true. People are in the game for multiple reasons and the only way for you to understand that is to listen. Once you understand then you can set them up to be in a place for them to deliver. The only way someone will over deliver FOR YOU, is to attack THEIR OWN selfishness. You may be selfish in asking for people to over-deliver for you, but the only way for that to be executed on is for you to over-d
How to Win in 2015: New Year's Motivation
26/12/2014 Duración: 04minHustle: The Most Important Word Ever Video can be watched here:
Working with Clients, Avoiding the Middle, & Scooter Braun Asks a Question
20/12/2014 Duración: 09min#QOTD: How much do you hate DRock?The middle is the commoditized work that everybody does. What I mean by this is that everybody winds up doing what the market calls for. They're focusing on what's popular in the moment and not focusing on where the market's going. I can't tell you how many times I get pitched by startups doing the same thing everyone else is doing and singing the same old song. What I want to hear about are those that are in the trenches doing the hard work - the nitty gritty; Those that are going above and beyond and breaking traditional thinking."The middle" is what we're surrounded by 99.9% of the time. It's the sh*t everybody focuses their energy on all the while ignoring what really matters - the clouds and dirt, as I like to call it. You've got to dive into the trenches and get into the weeds. BE A PRACTITIONER. At the rawest of levels you need to be executing. You need to be focusing on the stuff that nobody wants to bother with. Why? Because that's the hard part. And that's what matt
Christmas Shopping, How to Sell Wine, & Instagram Followers
17/12/2014 Duración: 13min#QOTD: What's your Instagram handle? Look, when VaynerMedia was in its earlier days, our website was garbage. It almost looked as if we were going out of business and I know that. That's on me. At that point in time I didn't think we needed to showcase the work we were doing, or the clients we working on, or any accolades we could have showed off. We just needed to focus. The point here is that everything I do, and everything that you do, needs to have strategy behind it. The strategy at the time for us was to stay low and be quiet, and focus on what we were doing internally and focus on the energy that we needed to create to build an incredible business. So that's what we did -- BUT, that doesn't mean that's what you need to do. It all boils down to strategy and the mission at hand, so that's what you should be focusing your energy on. Look, we were put in a peculiar position. I had my own personal brand and people knew me as this "social media guy." To be honest, I had plenty of doubters who thought I was
Introverts, Guy Kawasaki, & The GaryVee Movie
16/12/2014 Duración: 11min#QOTD: Where do you watch or listen to the #AskGaryVee Show? I think that Instagram and Twitter are tremendously different. Look, Twitter is the town hall, the cocktail party of the social world. When things happen in the world and there’s breaking news, we’re running to Twitter not Instagram – we want the chatter, not the images. However, I do believe that Instagram has found a way (at least up til now) to gain the most attention from the consumer where we've found ourselves looking at those pictures pretty consistently. Attention wins and that’s what Instagram has been able to capture. People are actually consuming content on Instagram, whereas on Twitter, those days are over. Back in the day I used to be able to send out a tweet and although I had a substantially lower reach I was still able to garner that attention. Instagram, due to its image-focused nature, is naturally able to capture our attention more easily. And let’s face it, we’re lazy, and it’s much easier to consume an image than to take the ti
Leaders, Podcasts, & Young Entrepreneurs
15/12/2014 Duración: 08min#QOTD: How old are you? Check out my new video channel on 5by! is zero doubt in my mind that I can run ANY company. I'm a reverse engineer, through and through. Heck, I don't know anything about 99% of the businesses out there, but I believe that it would take me only about 6 months to absorb the information - the data, the numbers, the culture, etc. - and reverse engineer the business to get it to a point where I can run with it. I'd take a look at the marketplace, understand the consumer that the business is selling to, whether B2B or B2C, and start making my chess moves. Frankly, as an operator, there is no business out there that I'd ever be intimidated by. That's just who I am. Fearless.Look, this comes down to people and process. You need to have the chops to build teams around you while having the strategy and tact to sell the product at hand. I'm certainly not the only one, but it's few and far in between that you have natural born operators that can take a look at things, a
Marketing Agencies, Ashton Kutcher, & Hot Cocoa
12/12/2014 Duración: 07min**Listen Up: Ashton Kutcher's on this one!!** Enjoy :) #QOTD: Which social network are you hottest on RIGHT now?Agencies in the market for awards is nonsense. I've been talking about this for a while in the halls of this world and within our industry. At the end of the day, these agencies are being hired to do work for THEIR CLIENTS, not for themselves. They're being hired to tell a story on behalf of the brand they're working for which in turn is supposed to sell sh*t. Agencies are using their work and these awards to recruit more talent and to gain more clients. I get that. It's smart in one way, but it's not intended for the long game and it's not sustainable. I'm not trying to begrudge the agencies that do it because I get the business rationale behind it but it's just not a healthy culture. It takes the eyes off the actual prize of doing what's best for the client and I just don't subscribe to it. Luckily for us at VaynerMedia, our proof is in the pudding. Our work is the word of mouth of our business an
Values, Selfies, & Cornhole
11/12/2014 Duración: 09min**WARNING: DO NOT end this episode early. Stay tuned 'til the last second. You won't regret it.** Hint for you podcast listeners: ASHTON KUTCHER#QOTD: Give me some feedback on the new settings of the show. How do you like us filming on the 15th floor? -- Since you all can't see what's going on, check out the YouTube episode and let me know what you think!!THINGS I VALUE: I'm a humungous fan of patience. Lack of patience has caused so many people to not achieve the upside that they deserve and that just kills me. Another thing I value so greatly is an old school handshake. That really matters to me. Word is bond. Having people in your life that you can trust based on their word goes a long way -- you know, someone that you just know is going to deliver on whatever it is they say they're going to do. On the other hand, when someone doesn't deliver on something, I have the understanding to realize that unexpected things can come up and change the course of action. So I completely buy into being nimble and empath
First Impressions, Patrick Ewing, & Google Plus
10/12/2014 Duración: 08min#QOTD: Give me some stories from your experiences with company holiday parties. I need gossip, people :) Also, why are you not visiting me this weekend at Wine Library? :(Google+ is most definitely a failure (in my eyes) for Google. While Google is my pick for the best tech company in the world, they made the wrong decision in doing something outside of their DNA. They tried to copy something, and I think that was ill-fated.I use Google+ because there's an audience of mine there and it ties in greatly with the YouTube society. There's a small niche group of people that I massively respect that have developed some great communities there. However, much like every social network besides Twitter, it isn't in fact a social network. Most of these "social networks" have become content portals. And so, I still have a great sized audience on Google+ and therefore they will not be forgotten and I will continue to distribute my content there because it's native, and that's what you need to do. Understand the nuances of
Jacks of All Trades, Hiring, & Google Rankings
09/12/2014 Duración: 10min#QOTD: What's the greatest holiday gift you've every received? - India K. :)With an organization of the size of VaynerMedia, of course you need a balance of employees that are highly skilled in particular focuses as well as those that are considered to be 'jacks of all trades.' So for me, of course both work, but truthfully, I'm a firm believer in the importance of being a 'jack of all trades.' So, for the purposes of drawing some lines in the sand, I don't agree that everyone should focus on one particular skill.Many people would argue that if you try to know a little bit of everything, you'll never get to the point of mastering anything. My argument? Bullsh*t. I don't buy it. I think I'm perfectly capable and skilled at 19 different things and that's just the way I roll. Look, you need to be able to adapt and you need to be able to evolve your skill-sets depending on the particular situation. In my world, there's NO room for excuses. So when I hear people make the excuse that they can't do other things beca
White Lies, Klout Scores, & Musical Chairs
08/12/2014 Duración: 14min#QOTD: Are you coming this Saturday? Yes or No? Also, I need your recap of the first 50 episodes of the #AGV show. What's the best thing that it's done for you?When people bring up my competitors I tend to respond in a condescending way. Quite honestly, I dislike my competitors (in the context of the game/business). When people bring them up I try and tear them down as quickly as possible. My competitors? Oh, you mean those people who are trying to win awards while I'm over here trying to actually sell sh*t? Deep down, I'm just not a fan of my competition. Anything I think that'll make somebody realize the value in working with us is something that I will push and fight for throughout the discussion, no matter what. Look, I'm a salesman, a talker, with great tact and enormous empathy. Hence why I win as often as I do. I can read a room and I know in real-time how to navigate the conversation and find my way to the top and win that discussion. Others? They just can't. They may just not be good enough to commun
High-End Wine, Bucket Lists, & Self-Confidence
03/12/2014 Duración: 16min#QOTD: Do you think that your culture (wherever you're located) has gotten soft? Do you think we should we have 7th place trophies?High-end wine is as much of a hoax as the art world is and as much of a hoax as a high-end restaurant charging $10K for a a once in a lifetime meal. It's as simple as supply and demand. Is a stock price a hoax? My answer? Yes and No. I used to think that the amount I was being paid for my speaking engagements was a hoax, but then I realized that I was getting compensated for what I was doing for that event. Is an actor quietly getting $8 Million for a movie a hoax, as opposed to an athlete who constantly gets ridiculed for being over-paid? It's all an arbitrage. That same actor is putting people in the seats and ad budgets are being leveraged against the appeal of that actor/actress.So, can I taste the difference between a $10 wine and a $100 wine? ABSOLUTELY. I live it. It's what I do. The beauty of wine is that everyone has their own palette -- similar to how people have differe
Ignoring the Competition, Niche Marketing, & Swagger
01/12/2014 Duración: 13min#QOTD: How was your Thanksgiving? AND, what's your Jets vs. Dolphins prediction for tonight's game?I literally spend ZERO time focusing on my competition. I don't look to the right of me or the left of me -- It's all forward moving for this guy. I focus ALL of my time on people, the teams around me, and our focus for the future.Do I know what the competition is doing? Sure, to some level - but I never go deep as my understanding typically goes as far as reading headlines and hearing some of the buzz of the industry. The biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs making is paying too much attention to those around them. Sure, take a look back once and while to see who's on your tail, but at the end of the day your focus needs to be on your own domain. If you can focus all of your attention to accomplishing what you set out to do, full-steam ahead, you'll win. Not only will you win but you'll be able to razz the competition a bit while you ignore them :) I find that not paying attention to your competitors is actually