Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner



Host Nicole L. Turner is a multipotentialite. A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Multipotentialites have no one true calling the way specialists do. Nicole will discuss topics that range in subject from self-help, relationships, finances, health, the workplace, and random subjects not listed here.


  • You had to be that person to become this one

    06/07/2019 Duración: 07min

    Tips to help you on your “journey” to become who you are: Work on your negative traits. Identify your ideal self.  Commit yourself to growth (Be Growth-oriented).  Be Adaptable/Flexible/Versatile.  Be Confident. Be Emotionally Generous.  Be Empathetic.  Be Optimistic/Positive. Have Faith.  Be Grateful.  Be Patient.  Be Self-Loving. Be Self-Reflective.  Be Forgiving.    The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be

  • Be a cans collector

    06/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    10 things to tell yourself instead of I can’t: I am doing my best every day. Even if when you first start telling yourself this, you aren’t really doing your best every day, the more you say this to yourself, the more your best will show up. The best is yet to come. Too often people spend way too much time on what didn’t work out & they believe that is an indication of what’s to come. Well, the best is what’s to come. The greatest mistake I will make is by living in fear that I will make one. Honestly, true failure is not trying. I will celebrate my failures. Failure is part of the process. Failure is a great teacher. As difficult as it may be, try to be grateful for the failure. According to Oprah, failure is another step to greatness. There were times before when I said I can’t, but I did. Reflect on past successes. It’s human nature to focus on the negatives but take a moment to pause and think about other times you thought you couldn’t, but you did. I am not going to let things discourage me. Richard

  • The Wegmans Effect

    27/04/2019 Duración: 09min

    You’ve heard the expression, your energy introduces you before you even speak. What energy do you give off? How do people feel when they are around you? When people walk away from meeting with you or talking with you, do they feel like they had an “experience” – a good one? I want to share with you eight ways to make sure you are giving people an awesome experience when they encounter you: Connect with your inner positive vibes – meaning identifying your best qualities and project them to the world. The more positive energy you give off, the more positive energy you will receive. Display positive body language. 55% of communication is body language. Negative body language, such as crossing your arms, putting your hands in your pockets or slouching, can make you seem closed off or withdrawn. Make sure you are standing with your shoulders back, your arms are not crossed, and make you are making eye contact. Be aware of your color choices. Don’t underestimate the power of colors.  The colors you wear make people

  • Tell-tale signs of a bad organizational culture that can be spotted during the job interview

    19/04/2019 Duración: 10min

    Some tell-tale signs of a bad organizational culture that can be spotted during the job interview   Body Language: Is the interviewer constantly shifting in his/her chair? Is the interviewer  paying more attention to his/her phone than the interviewee? Is the interviewer avoiding eye contact? Is the interviewer  rifling through papers when the interviewee is talking? They put a lot of pressure on you to take the position. They are trying too hard to close the deal. The more the interviewee questions about the potential job (once an offer has been made), the more irritated they become, and they force the selectee to make a quick decision. The interviewer is late. The interviewer doesn’t respect the interviewee's time to show up on time, and then when he/she sits down to conduct the interview, it appears he/she hasn’t even looked at the interviewee's resume. Word Choice: When they ask the interviewee a question, do they begin the sentence with a negative message? Are the scenarios they ask the interviewee to an

  • The Words "I Love You" aren't enough

    17/04/2019 Duración: 06min

    LOVE IS AN ACTION  I once read a quote that says, "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” Do you make it a point to show your mate loving feelings through loving actions? Sadly, all too often the ones to whom many people give the fewest appreciative words and kindly actions are their loved ones. 20 ways to show love as an action Share your fears and vulnerabilities with your mate Pay attention to your mate Be emotionally and physically faithful to your mate Accept and celebrate your mate's uniqueness and differences Love without strings attached COMMUNICATE!!!!!!!! Work on your goals and dreams together Forgive Apologize when you are in the wrong or have offended your mate If you have kids, don't forget to schedule alone time and date nights Encourage your mate to be the best person they can be Laugh and enjoy your mate Be open and honest with your mate Give more than you take in the relationship Before your point the finger at your mate, examin

  • Tips to help you be more consistent

    04/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    Eight Tips to Help You Be More Consistent Start with a morning routine. It has been said that the way you start your morning sets the tone for your entire day. When I read articles that ask people the keys to their success, many of them say they have a morning ritual. The morning ritual may be meditation, reading the Bible, working out, eating a healthy breakfast, or doing all of those things. Set an alarm or a calendar reminder on your phone. Until something becomes habit for you, it’s not a bad idea to set a reminder on your phone. These daily reminders will either annoy you or motivate you. Hopefully, they will motivate you. Be present. Quiet your mind. Be fully engaged.  Being present means you must minimize distractions.  You may have to go on “do not disturb”, do a digital detox (no social media or surfing the internet). If you have a family, you may have to get up earlier than everyone else so you will have time to yourself. Forgive yourself. There will be moments when you fail to follow through on you

  • Train your mind to be stronger than your emotions

    31/03/2019 Duración: 09min

    Seven steps to develop greater emotional awareness and help you effectively manage your feelings. Don’t react right away. Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be a big mistake. You’ll more likely say or do something you’ll later regret. Before refuting the trigger with your emotional argument, take a deep breath and stabilize the overwhelming impulse. Be Conscious of Your Thoughts. Thoughts are habitual and it can be quite difficult at first to consciously be aware of every thought that passes through your head. Before you change them for the better you must be aware of exactly what you are thinking. Discover the ‘why’ of your emotions. Once you are aware of your thoughts, ask yourself what is causing this feeling inside you? Change the way you think about a situation. Once you know the root of the problem, you can change the way you think about it. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your feelings. So, consider your thoughts. Are they based on truth? Are they logical? Are your beliefs true? Choose how

  • Seeking perfection stifles progress

    03/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    Seeking perfection stifles your progress: It leads to self-criticism.When you fall short of a goal, the battle in your mind begins and you beat yourself up over it instead of looking at the goals you did reach, you are focused on the goals you didn’t or instead of focusing on the things you did right, you are focused on the things you fell short on. It prevents you from being open to new ideas. Have you ever noticed those people on your job who say, we do it this way because we’ve always done it this way? They had “perfected” that one way, and that leads to fear of trying something new – being open to new ideas. You have a difficult time adapting to change. It keeps you stagnate. It prevents you from moving forward. Seeking perfection is just like analysis by paralysis. You become so obsessed with doing things perfect until you are literally not moving forward. It makes you concerned with what others think of you. People who constantly seek perfection often worry about what others think of them. They are seek

  • Multipotentialites

    24/02/2019 Duración: 09min

    Multipotentialite: A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Multipotentialites have no one true calling the way specialists do. Multi-passionate/multipotentialite/multi-faceted are all interchangeable terms. It’s okay to be a multi-passionate person in a niche’ happy world. Many people say, focus on ONE thing and be the expert in that one thing. Yes, that’s great advice for some, but not for all – not for those of us who are multi-passionate.  Up until recently, I was very frustrated, and actually felt like a failure because everyone kept encouraging me to follow ONE course until successful, and my brain just could not focus on one thing because my interests and talents weren’t in just one thing. So to my fellow multipassionate/multi-faceted/multipotentialites out there I want to say to you, “You don’t have to choose just one because you were never meant to.” I want to offer some tips for the multipotentialites like me: Stop trying to pick that one thing. You have many passion

  • A Plot Twist Can Happen At Any Time In Your Life

    18/02/2019 Duración: 06min

    A plot twist can happen at any time in your life. When you get a new cell phone, tablet, or computer, do you stick with the default settings or do you change the settings to your personal preferences? Most people change the settings. When you live a life by default, you are basically accepting what’s already been selected for you. We all know people who seem to experience the same set of challenges or obstacles over and over again, or who have the same or similar negative life events happen to them, regardless of where they are or what they are doing. You are a co-creator of your experiences and when you have internal stress, frantic pressure, and a doom or gloom mentality, your life reflects that back to you. Here are some ways to tell if you are living life by default: (1) Do you constantly have a feeling that something is missing? (2) Are major aspects of your life decided by happenstance – things like your what you do on a daily basis, your career, your friends, your dating life, etc.? (3) Do you wake up

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