Blue Collar Consulting Group Podcast

Episode 10: 11 Time Management Hacks To Skyrocket Your Productivity



You only get 24 hours in the day, don't you wanna make the most of them?  If you are like me, you are always looking for that next level of productivity and efficiency.  I cannot stand to waste a day and I'm pretty sure you are the same way.  With that in mind, this episode is a great first step to not only improve your efficiency but to also skyrocket your productivity! The 11 steps covered in this episode will get you on your way to a more productive day and a more efficient use of your time.  Everything from creating a list to eliminating distractions is discussed along with practical tips to put these plans into motion right away.  We believe that you will benefit from this episode by following any one of the 11 points.  So grab a piece of paper, write down the perspectives, and get to work on your great life! Panda Planner: Brendan Burchard's High Performance Planner: 4,000 Weeks, Time Management Book: