Blue Collar Consulting Group Podcast

Episode 41: Are We Really Arguing About Masks?



New sponsor! Brought to you by Seek Style, a fresh online store bringing you the best products from all over the world at AMAZING prices :) The world seems to be losing its mind on the requirement to wear a mask during this pandemic.  Even after being on this planet for multiple decades, I still find it incredibly interesting, and somewhat disappointing, that people will fight over something so simple.  Perhaps it is the rise and diffusion of social media influence, but it may just be good old fashioned pride at work here.   In this episode were to talk about some logical approaches to the mask issue in hopes that we can hopefully find a way forward that encourages people to mask up in public settings without anyone feeling as though their individual rights had been trampled upon.   For me personally, I don't have a problem wearing a mask but I also respect the right of the individual to make that choice.  I also respect the rights and businesses to refuse service to anyone who doe