Performhappy With Rebecca Smith

Building Resilience with NCAA Gymnast Sydney Ewing EP 294



Do you want to develop unwavering mental strength and bounce back from setbacks in your gymnastics journey? Are you seeking a solution to build resilience and overcome challenges with confidence?   Look no further! Today, Coach Rebecca is delighted to introduce Sydney Ewing, an expert in building resilience in gymnasts. She'll share valuable insights and tips to help you develop the mental toughness needed to achieve remarkable results. Get ready to unlock your inner strength and soar to new heights in the sport you love!  Sydney Ewing is an inspiring example of resilience and determination. From her early days of gymnastics as a child, she navigated her journey through a series of injuries with courage and positivity. Despite having her sights set on becoming an Olympian, she found new paths to pursue when she encountered obstacles. Now a proud Michigan State University alum, she shares her wealth of experience and insights from her 19 years in gymnastics with budding gymnasts and their parents.