Performhappy With Rebecca Smith

How To Stop Stressing Over Things You Can't Control EP 293



Today, Coach Rebecca is doing a great training to help you stop stressing over things you can’t control. This episode is great for parents and athletes. Things happen that we can’t control, but here’s a go-to strategy you can use anytime.   Stress shows up when we spend energy trying to control things that we can’t control.  You may fall into the “control freak” mode. Trying to force and manage things so everything is “perfect”. Another mode is the “worrier”, and sometimes we’re both! The bottom line for both of these is they’re created by fear.    When fear runs the show, it creates so much wasted energy either trying to be perfect, or worrying about every little thing that might happen.   Coach Rebecca shares what you can do instead of giving into fear.  Strategy to Reduce Stress