How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba

Day 3 Of 21 Weight Loss Challenge



Welcome back to our weight loss journey. Today's focus is on the importance of movement and how it can transform our health. I shared a story about a patient who, with a simple pinky promise, started walking to the end of her driveway and back each day. This small step led to her walking around the block, losing 60 pounds, embracing a whole food plant-based diet, and reversing her diabetes. We discussed how changing our self-talk from "I can't" to "I can" is crucial. This challenge includes journaling prompts to help you explore any resistance you might feel towards daily activities. Today's challenge is a morning walk. Morning walks can set a positive tone for the day, boost metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance mental health. Establishing a walking routine can also serve as an anchor for other healthy habits. I also touched on the benefits of resistance training and how anchoring new habits to existing routines can lead to significant health improvements, as seen with another patient who p