How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba

Day 2 Of 21 Weight Loss Challenge



Welcome back to day two of our 21-day weight loss challenge. Today, we delved into the critical role of restorative sleep in weight management and overall health. We discussed how sleep is not just for rest, but it's a key player in regulating metabolism, appetite, and stress levels. Poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased hunger and making weight control more challenging. I emphasized the importance of good sleep hygiene as a foundation for physical and mental well-being. I shared my belief that a combination of a whole food plant-based diet, quality sleep, and daily movement can significantly improve health. To help you improve your sleep, I suggested establishing a calming bedtime routine, which includes: 1. Setting a consistent bedtime, preferably before 11 PM. 2. Winding down with relaxing activities like reading, gentle stretching, or listening to soothing music. 3. Creating a restful environment by adjusting room temperature, using blackout curtains, and minimizing electronic