How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba

Day 11 Of 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge



Welcome back to day 11 of our 21-day weight loss challenge. Today, we tackled the complex issue of emotional eating, a common struggle for many, especially post-pandemic. Emotional eating is when we turn to food, typically ultra-processed and comfort foods, in response to feelings other than physical hunger, such as stress or loneliness. This habit can lead to temporary relief but doesn't solve the underlying emotional issues. We discussed the characteristics of emotional eating, which include being triggered by emotions, craving specific foods, and often eating mindlessly beyond the point of fullness, followed by feelings of guilt or shame. To combat emotional eating, we explored B.J. Fogg's behavior model, which states that behavior requires motivation, a prompt, and the ability to perform the action. We also looked at strategies to identify emotional triggers, differentiate between emotional and physical hunger, and develop awareness of eating habits through mindful eating practices. I suggested keeping