Brilliant Observations

Chat GPT (Emphasis on the Pee)



It's a horror show, kids, at least it was around the beautiful Sonic Bloom Awards banquet table during the She Podcasts Unplugged! event in concert with PodFest 2024. And yet, despite the unsolicited (geriatric) pick up lines, latent latex balloon smell and traumatic special-effect makeup photos, the most exciting thing we saw at this year's extraordinary event was how to optimize your podcast workflow using artificial intelligence.   Honestly, you think we would have investigated this option sooner given how strained our biological intelligence has been lately. Bah DAH cha!   Seriously, Dear Listener. For this episode, we tasked AI with the challenge of writing 5 sample titles with accompanying 100 word blurbs for use as show notes. Here is, word for word, what the computer spit out: The Worst Pickup Lines (and Other Orlando Mishaps) Melissa and Amy recap their eventful trip to a women in podcasting conference, which included being subjected to cringeworthy pickup lines from older men at the hot