Liminal Living

S3 E15: Ally Henny: I Won't Shut Up



"Have you ever wondered how one finds their voice in a world that often seeks to silence them? Today, we're diving deep into that question with author and advocate-minister Ally Henny, as we explore her journey of resilience, faith, and empowerment. Ally is the brilliant mind behind "I Won't Shut Up: Finding Your Voice When the World Tries to Silence You," a wonderful work that delves into the complexities of navigating societal pressures and finding one's voice amidst adversity. As the Vice President of The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, Ally is dedicated to empowering Black Christians toward liberation from racism, offering profound insights into the intersection of faith and social justice. Throughout our conversation, we'll journey through Ally's experiences and perspectives, exploring the differences of black and white Christian culture in this country, the effect it has on politics, economics, society, and religion. Also, Ally offers invaluable insights into the tensions of Black freedom and the