Liminal Living

S2 E18: Dan White Jr: Burnout, Ego, Inner Journey to Healing



Have you ever been burned out, had PTSD, had an existential crisis? So has our guest for tToday. I talked with Dan White Jr. a church planting strategist with the V3 Movement, co-founder of the Praxis Gathering, author of 4 books, pastor and Church planter for the last 20+ years, as well as co-founding and building The Kineo Renewal and Retreat Center in Puerto Rico from the ground up with his wife Tonya. Dan has a gentle soul with the gift of healing, which I experienced first hand at a retreat at Kineo. There he delivered his story of pastoring, burning out twice, dealing with CPTSD, struggling with his ego, and recovering to find new vision. He tells his story here today, as well as using his degree in counseling and theology to blend a helpful understanding of a pathway toward your healing. You can find all of Dan’s materials on his website Time Stamps for the episode: 2:20: Introduction 6:52: Deconstructing with Rich Mullins 11:55: Journey out of Fundie Baptist and into Anabaptist