Liminal Living

S2 E16: Lance Hough: The Abuse of Commodifying Creativity in Church



S2 E16: Lance Hough, The Abuse of Commodifying Creativity What happens when a church continually commodifies creativity for a Sunday morning experience? Today, I talked with a friend and former church creative director, Lance Hough. Lance experienced leadership abuse under a few different pastors that led to an existential crisis concerning his faith and how we experience it in a modern western church experience, and the eventual leaving of ministry and healing of trauma it caused. Lance is a creative individual, and many churches can take advantage of creatives and transform art into a religious commodity to be bought and sold and traded on a Sunday. It ends up being an abusive cycle for those who create and have a stunting effect on the maturity of the attendees who become religious consumers. Time Stamps for the episode: 2:08: Introduction 4:26: Faith roots 7:47: Serving in Church to Career in Church 11:32: How the Sausage is Made 15:51: Abusive Leadership 19:56: Crisis of Career 24:57: Questioning