Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

BAD CREDIT; Stronger Men's Conference; Carlsbad; Illegal Aliens; BYE AMERICA | JLP SHOW (4/17/24)



TOPIC: (4/17/24), WED, Migrants in CA and NYC Motor Boat with migrants lands in CA, NYC black migrants complain about accommodations, JOSH OH: "how to deal with betas?", SUPERCHATS, HAKE NEWS Babies used to be born at home, JLP and HAKE talk about at-home births, Republicans/Democrats, the Rapture, Trump and Jesus, JOEY MS: "I see what you mean about women", HAROLD NC: "dexter reed/race hustlers comment", JASON NY: "biblical question from last week", HAKE NEWS Examples of women needing men, Stronger Men's Conference Men hiding women on social media, Mothers ruining the kids credit, Chinese immigrant on gun control, Stronger Men's conference drama, MADALYN PA: "younger generation, your opinion?", JILL NY: "teaching children about the Bible?", SUPERCHATS