Liminal Living

S3 E20: Daniel Wolpert: Looking Inward, Living Outward



You can buy the book here: can connect with Daniel here: frees individuals from habits and patterns that cause suffering and promotes compassion and care.Contemplation is not just an individual practice, but also a communal one.Contemplative psychology explores the concept of the human person as a bundle of habits and activities that create our sense of self and the world.Contemplation can dissolve ego habits and projections, leading to more humane and loving relationships.The integration of contemplation and action is essential for social transformation. The ego constructs a sense of self based on our sensory input, leading to patterns of confirmation bias and repetitive behavior.Contemplation allows the mind to slow down and see the construction process of the ego, leading to a more open and expansive sense of self.Powerful presence is not about charisma or ego-driven leadership, but abou