How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba

4 Tips For Losing Menopause Belly Fat



Okay, listen up ladies! This episode is all about that pesky belly fat that seems to show up right around menopause. We all know the drill – hot flashes, mood swings, and suddenly our bodies seem to be storing fat in all the wrong places. It's frustrating, but here's the thing: it's not our fault! Those hormonal fluctuations are real, and they can definitely lead to more fat storage and less muscle. But wait, there's hope! Today I'm sharing four key tips to help you manage your weight during this transition. We'll be talking about something called insulin resistance, which can be a major player in belly fat buildup. Don't worry, it's not scary, and I'll explain how some simple diet tweaks and exercise strategies can make a big difference. So, if you're ready to take back control and feel confident again, then tune in! I'm here to share some practical advice that can help you manage your weight and feel your absolute best during menopause. Let's do this! Join my FREE Masterclass "5 Steps to Master