Cms Itweekly

CMS itWeekly - #8 (Yammer)



Hey this is Tim Smith calling from Instructional Technology and this is Stella Gersback(?) from the ESO(?) Department and this I'll is Jake ___ from Instructional(?) Technology bringing you the IT weekly no. 8th, no. 8th and today were are talking about Yammer. I like Yammer. I like Yammer too. You know we started Yammer like back in December but I think it's about time we explain a little bit about yeah ___ so to start with Yammer is not a required exam for any one in the district. We are not rounding the Yammer be use no we are suggesting that Yammer is a powerful tool and a good communication tool can be ___ spend adopted by a lot of people by the district the people are saying great things about it yehey Yammer. The only person who gives a but we are not telling you