Cms Itweekly

CMS itWeekly #3



Hello CMS we like to welcome you to the CMS instructional technology no. 3. The date is March 22nd 2011. I'm Jake Standish(?) and I'm gonna be Tim Smith today very good and here's so here's the idea we'd like to talk the same. That there's a lot of great ideas out there and we love to share them all with you. So each week we're gonna do our best to focus on one concept or one idea. So for this third CMS weekly we're going to take a moment to discuss the national educational technology plan. The NETP. Now all of this plan came out in 2010 it just came out in November of 2010. It's gonna set the course as we go so each month we would like to bring one idea from the NETP in July to you weekly to discuss and we were at a time and many of our teachers are looking for things that need a document and places where they getting ideas and this might be one of the places that they might