Into The Iris - An Overwatch Podcast

Into the Iris - Episode 22: P-P-P-P-P-P-POWER!!!!



A NEW CHARACTER IS IMMINENT! Or is it...characters?? PLURAL?? We don't know for sure. What we DO know is speculation is running rampant on this episode of Into The Iris regarding Efi and Doomfist and how god amongst men Terry Crews fits in to this whole thing. So exciting! We've got some good ideas. Or at least, we have some ideas. We also dive back into Punch's Email Corner. He hath blessed us with a bounty of emails. May he live forever. And also an email from someone not Punch! There's so much to love here. Also Hank is back. And will continue to be back. We can't get him to leave so he might as well just join the show right?  Oh also, DJ had some unfortunate audio problems this episode. Sorry! We'll try to have it all worked out by next episode we promise. <3 Contact us: email: twitter: @tfintotheiris