Into The Iris - An Overwatch Podcast

Into the Iris - Episode 21: TURN DOWN FOR HWHAT?!



Everybody has regrets. I don't care who you are, at some point you've done something you wish you hadn't. If you're lucky, it's something small. Something unimportant. Something that bothers you more than it does anybody else. You'll occasionally remember it with chagrin, you'll feel bad. You might silently curse yourself for poor decisions you've made, or you curse fate for foisting some misfortune upon you. But then you move on. You forget. Life goes on. But maybe it's not something small. Maybe it's not something easily pushed aside or dismissed. Maybe it's something that affects you every day, it's a regret that shows its ugly face so often that even if you manage to shove it aside momentarily to grasp onto some fleeting feeling of happiness, the regret smashes it's way through your defenses like a malevolent, poison filled Kool-Aid man determined to make you miserable, to make sure you cannot EVER forget what you've done. It's a regret you know you'll have to live with for the rest of your days and you k