Into The Iris - An Overwatch Podcast

Into the Iris - Episode 12: Mojo Loves D.Va Buffs



Blizzard has graced us with PTR changes and you're gonna wanna buckle up sister, cause there's a lot of em. We briefly cover some fun stuff like a dude what plays the game with crazy controllers like a nerf bow, and Jeff Kaplan gives Mojo a reason to yell about gatekeepers again. Then it's on to the PTR discussion. Do you think D.Va could use a buff? Blizzard does. Does Mojo agree? He'll tell you. And he won't stop telling you. For about an hour. Other heroes get some nerfs and buffs and berfs and we cover everything that's been revealed thus far. Some big changes. You'll wanna hear em.  Contact us: email: twitter: @tfintotheiris