Into The Iris - An Overwatch Podcast

Into the Iris - Episode 6: Poutine Nachos Counterflict (How to Prepare for Ranked Play!)



SEASON 2 IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!! Are you ready? No? Well that's fine cause we're here to help! Episode 6 is aimed at newer players and all about ranked play. We've got some real great basic tips and tricks to help you start your climb. You gotta walk before you can run, right? And you gotta run before you can wall run into dragon strike wipe a team #JustGenjiThings. Definitely don't miss this one. Before we get into that we discuss some of our experiences with the PTR changes including Hanzo and Mei and what we think of the new map Winstons Jungle Gym aka Eichenwalde. Also, DJ continues to infuriate Snaggle. What else is new?  Thanks to MOARNial for our intro/outro music! Contact us on Twitter @tfintotheiris