Joy Of Healthcare

Ep. 9 - What it takes to be a successful Physician Entrepreneur - Dr. Arlen Meyers



Have you ever known a physician or a pharmacist that started their own business? Did you wonder about their motivations? Or think something like … they already make so much money, why would they leave? Well, today we’ll talk with Dr. Arlen Meyers who has done not only that, but has studied the motivations of Physician Entrepreneurs as a whole and put together a support network! Dr. Arlen Meyers has had quite a career and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon - his accomplishments include: 26 active positions on linkedin - and these are not inaccurate! Acting as Chief Medical Officer for several start-ups and businesses Advising another handful of blossoming companies Created the bioentreprenuership education program and is still an active faculty for several programs through university of colorado business school Board president of GlobalMind ED a program for at risk youth to have the tools and skills they need to be successful in college All while being CEO and co-founder of Society of Ph