Calverts Crossing

OMG talking about Trump again.



The following is a rough summary of the Calvert’s Crossing podcast on Donald Trump, tune in to the podcast to enjoy all the snark and humor that hasn’t been included in the transcript below. All about our 45th president Mr. Donald J. Trump More people are paying attention to politics now that Trump is president, so all publicity is good publicity right? Since Trump has been in office there has been a rise in activism and our economy has done better. Of course I don’t know that you can attribute the economy shift to Trump. I’ve heard that you don’t feel the effects of the work of the former president for a year or two so is it possible that these are the ripples of President Obama? For instance, the new tax reform bill, even though it starts this year you won’t see the effects of it until the end of 2018. So when Donald Trump ran I thought it was a joke, you know the one guy who is a wizard and promises everyone a dragon…..Then he won the party nomination. So at first I was inspired because this guy had no pol