Lets Ask The Angels!

Weekly Angel Messages for September 28th through October 4th



Weekly Messages for September 28th through October 4th. RECORDED PODCAST My next  LIVE BlogTalk Radio Show will be this  MONDAY OCTOBER 5TH AT 1PM - MY NEW TIME SLOT HERE ON BLOGTALK RADIO! .Call in at 424-6775-6837 for a reading. This week I was guided to use the Angel Tarot Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. This week starts off with  the possible need for rest or renewal after the the powerful  energy shifts that have taken place with the Full Moon, Lunar eclipse and more. There is a need to bring balance with this new energy  with our partnerships. By the end of the week we experience a  new found level of confidence and support to make our ideas ad projects happen.  There is clarity and confidence with new doors  opening for you. We are ready for a new cycle of magical manifestations! With angel light and love, Barbara For a personal in depth angel card reading and life coaching on how to effectively work with your angels to create a life you love, contact me at bcalvano-coac