Lets Ask The Angels!

Special Guest Rita Gigante, Intuitive Healer & Hayhouse Author



Join me on Monday  February 9th at 1pm EST on Let's ask the Angels with my very special guest, Rita Gigante, Intuitive Healer and Hayhouse author. Rita Gigante has dedicated her adult life to healing people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. She has a degree in exercise physiology and is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki master. In 2010 she formed the Collective Healing Network, which conducts monthly sessions in New York and New Jersey. Rita also has a private practice outside of New York City, where she serves clients using energy therapy, intuitive healing, spiritual counseling, sound therapy, and angel readings . We will be speaking about her  healing work, angels and her Hayhouse published book, 'The Godfather's Daughter' -an unlikely story of love, healing and redemption. You'll have a chance to  call in speak with her and receive a intuitive reading.     Co-authored by Natasha Stoynoff.  Call in at 424-675-6837 For more information about  Barbara Calvano and my services of intuitive read