Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Accessing TRUST and the Higher Self's Desire that will MOST IMPACT your Life Now



SOUL SOUP With Dr. Janette Freeman     "KNOW YOUR WORTH PT FOUR:  Accessing TRUST and the Higher Self's Desire that will MOST IMPACT your Life Now IN TODAY'S PROCESS:Accessing TRUST and the Higher Self's Desire that will MOST IMPACT your Life NowThis class is mostly a powerful meditational process to access your I AM Line, to access TRUST in your body and firmly establish trust and safety. Then you will be led to connect to your Higher Self and ask it a powerful question: "What is the one quality that I can experience more of that would most impact my life right now?"DONATIONS TO ONENESS CENTER ONLINE access the I AM Source Code teachings and free meditations: FREE SPIRITUAL PROCESS VIDEO This Includes A Powerful Spiritual Process To Assist You In 'Making NEW Soul Agreements For Loving Relationships,Vital Health & Youthfulness,Living On