Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

White Stone Ceremony - Beginning of the Year New Intention Alignment



In this session you will hear about the history of the White Stone Ceremony and then be led into a meditative process to:Align with the Spirit into peace, clarity and loveRelease old year 'stuff'Go upstairs to the Higher Self, and do self inquiry, asking yourself questions to get your deepest soul desires, then allowing that to distill as to what they will give you, what energy and qualitites you need to BE and asking the Presence for those qualities.  You will also distill your listening to hear the ONE WORD or phrase, new identity or quality that you are to bring in this year.  Powerful process!Also invitation into the High Vibe Soul Tribe where this year I will work with people in that group with two classes a month and ongoing support as there won't be as many podcasts and free material in the future.  All for a monthly donation to The Oneness Center.  Read more about it here.NEW BOOK: I AM SOURCE CODEFor free meditations and stay connected -