Danny Carlson Podcast

DCP EP 11 - Troy Christopher Plota - 50yr Old Digital Nomad Makes $200k in 2 Weeks | Plotaverse App CEO



Troy Christopher Plota has 2.5 million followers on his own app, which made $200k in sales it's first two weeks. Breaking the mold of what's expected of a 50 year old, he moved to Bali to run his company remotely as a digital nomad. But he also breaks the mold of a traditional tech startup founder, as he has no tech background whatsoever. He was a photographer for 25 years before starting the Plotaverse App. Seeing the photography industry rates start to decline, he started looking for other ways to capitalize on his 25 years of photo experience. He's now negotiating collaborations with GoPro and Facebook, but how did he grow so elegantly in such a unique way? It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, and a lot of it came down to luck (such as launching an iPhone version against his team's better judgement), but there are moments of greatness to be learned from his journey. This is the story of Troy Christopher Plota.