Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Human – Extraterrestrial Hybrids with Barbara Lamb



Barbara Lamb is a name many in the ET and UFO field know very well. For over two decades, Barbara has researched and lectured on the subject of extraterrestrial encounters. Having regressed well over a thousand individuals with these encounters, Barbara continues to reveal new vistas into the idea that many on this planet just may have direct connections with non-human intelligence. In this, my second interview with Barbara, done at her home just outside of Los Angeles, we discussed her latest project and that’s a book in which she co-authored with researcher Miguel Mendonca called Meet the Hybrids. Some of what Barbara discusses in this sit down chat about the hybrids may surprise you, and some might seem familiar to you. Either way, I know you’ll find what Barbara has to say nothing short of extraordinary. Explore the episode highlights: Who are the hybrids and what are their missions? The emphasis on the spiritual orientation of the hybrids. Extreme telepathic, psychic, and healing abilities.