Personal Record

Angela Naeth: North American Ironman Champion



Have you ever dealt with long term injury or illness?  Angela Naeth is the 2015 North American Ironman Champion. Along with two sub-9 hour Ironman performances she founded the "I Race Like a Girl" Triathlon Team.  In 2016 she suffered a broken foot requiring surgery and months of rehabilitation.  She battled back in 2017 only to be diagnosed with Lyme disease; a misunderstood and often misdiagnosed bacterial infection.  Learn how Angela stays positive by using sport psychology and shamanism to help guide her through her many hurdles.   Visit Angela on her website. Check out Angela on Facebook,  Twitter and Instagram. Learn more about Lyme disease. Join I Race Like a Girl Triathlon Team.  Check out Personal Record on Twitter, Instagram Facebook and our website.  Email us with any questions, comments or concerns. Also check out Trimara Sports races at a NYC park near you to set your next personal record.  Whether you run a 10k or a half marathon Trimara Sports has a race for you.   And special thank you to Shaw