Project My Life With Anthony Monetti

#38 Variety is key - don't be a slave to your diet



What is your biggest struggle with your diet? That was this month’s question. Every month we post a different question on our community board at bodhi and our members chime in with their answers. “Variety. I’m a slave to my macros”  was an answer that stuck out to me and I’m sure a lot of people struggle with this so it makes sense to create some content around this painful topic. First and foremost, please understand the word slave is very extreme and by you using this word puts you in a very vulnerable place when it comes to ever be successful with your health/weight loss journey. Karen and I dive into this #askmonetti with some real truth that you may not want to hear but, you know it comes from my no B.S. mentality. If you find any value in this podcast, please write a review and then share it with someone who may be struggling with feeling too restrictive with their dieting efforts. Thank you very much for the love and support, and if you have a question please post it on Instagram using #askmonetti and