Project My Life With Anthony Monetti

#37 How do I diet through the holidays



Dieting through the holidays. Who would do such a thing? Anyone who wants to avoid feeling like shit. We talk about it all year long, not just during the holidays. When you are too restrictive with your food selections for dieting or everyday living (which are the same thing) you create a good/bad healthy/not healthy relationship with food. Food is food. You have better more nutritious foods that give you more bang for your buck and you have foods that may not be so nutritious but they taste really freaking good and are just as good for you, more on a mental and emotional standpoint. You should be eating both. All year. In moderation and with an appreciation for their value in your life. Don’t overcomplicate this. Eat the foods, but be mindful of your ultimate goal of feeling and looking your best. If you found any value in this message, please share with a friend who you feel will find value as well. Thank you for your contribution to this project, and be sure to send all your questions our way using the has